With over 1,000 years of history, Jamaica emerges as one of the most rich countries that’s known for its ancient chronicles. As per the narratives, in 1494, Christopher Columbus arrived in the country and turned this island into a Spanish colony. Later in 1655, the Britishers captured Jamaica and ruled until it achieved independence in 1962. During the colonial era, the Africans migrated to the island which tremendously increased the population and led to cultural amalgamation.
Due to such harsh scenarios and transatlantic trades, several people left the place while leaving a lasting legacy behind. Jamaica played an important role in the fight for freedom, and equality and their enriching traditions that were deeply rooted across the country. Prominent figures like Marcus Garvey and Sam Sharpe made notable contributions to the country’s liberation. After so many hardships, Jamaica is now a great proud nation that celebrates its rich heritage and resilience all over the world.