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in Real-Time with EaseMyTrip
Kochi Metro Kochi Metro
Delhi Metro Delhi Metro
Mumbai Metro Mumbai Metro
Book Metro Ticket
Kindly, enter the required details below to proceed with metro reservations.
  • Line 2
  • Line 7
  • {{}}
  • {{}}
Frequently Asked
Is it safe to rely on EaseMyTrip to purchase the Delhi metro tickets?

Absolutely yes! EaseMyTrip is one of the most reliable and trustworthy platforms from where you can get Delhi metro tickets seamlessly. On our platform, we have also integrated advanced solutions and privacy policies to safeguard user information and data.

What is the cost of purchasing Delhi metro tickets through EaseMyTrip?

All the passengers are required to enter details regarding from/to station and the number of passengers traveling. Based on these data, the distance will be shown on the platform. You have to make payment for the distance accordingly to get Delhi metro tickets.

How long does it take to get Delhi metro tickets via EaseMyTrip?

In a few minutes, a user can get Delhi metro tickets via the EaseMyTrip platform.

Can anyone use EaseMyTrip to purchase Delhi metro tickets?

All the existing and new users can avail the Delhi metro tickets easily by using the EaseMyTrip platform.

  1. 1. Review & Travellers
  2. 2. Payment
Kochi Metro | {{tripType=='sjt'?'Single Journey':'Round Trip Journey'}}
Hindon River
Kashmiri Gate
Pax :{{paxCount}}
Contact Details
Cross-check your contact details since all the communication would be shared on the respective mobile number and mail ID.
Please select Terms and Conditions
Price Summary
Pax x 1
Grand Total