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Why Book Hotels with EaseMyTrip.com?

  • Extensive Hotel Options

    Best hotels available for different destinations to offer you a stay of lifetime.

  • Best Price

    Also grab attractive offers on holiday packages, flights and other travel products.

  • Hotel Ratings

    All our hotels have good ratings on Trip Advisor and recommended by users.

  • Savings on Hotel Booking

    Book hotels with best offers and discount and make your stay unforgettable.

Cheapest Deals on Budget & Luxury Hotels are Available at EaseMyTrip

Due to the huge influx of tourists in India, EaseMyTrip offers a wide range of luxury, deluxe and budget hotels to them. Choose to stay in luxury and comfort with greatest discounts available on hotels.
We list classiest budget hotels on our site along with some of the prominent international hotel chains of India including Oberoi Group, ITC Group, Taj Group, Le Meridian Group and many others. Ranging from class hotels to luxury beach resorts, each hotel on our site gives you a memorable staying experience. Along with deluxe, budget and luxury hotels, EaseMyTrip also displays a number of heritage hotels for offering you a royal stay. Enjoy cheap hotel deals for any destination with great savings.


Q. How can I Save on Hotel Booking?

A. To save on your hotel booking, you should try to book them in advance by comparing the best deals on various websites. One important thing that every traveler should know is that hotels in India have different GST rates depending on their tariff. The GST rate of the hotels with a tariff between Rs 2,500 and RS 7,499 per night is 18% and GST rate for hotels with tariff equal to or above Rs 7,500 per night is 28%. So, you can create a great difference here. You can plan your stay opposite to what others do. Hotels in business hubs are cheaper during the weekends but resorts are reasonably priced during the weekdays. Everyone knows the reason behind this. If you follow this rule, it will help you cracking the best deals on hotels. Booking hotels within a cancellation period can do you wonders with hotel reservation amount. The period is usually between 24 and 48 hours prior to the scheduled stay. Due to the last minute cancellation of the hotel rooms, booking is available at a lower price. Although this is little risky, but you might end up saving huge on hotels.

Q. Can I Book a Hotel With a Local ID?

A. There is no law that allows hotel authorities to prohibit the local couples from spending time with each other in a hotel room. Earlier hoteliers used to deny the local couples as they wanted to give preference to the guests who traveled from far as they usually occupy the room for more days but local couples hardly book a room for one day. However, due to the growing number of startups in the hotel industry, local couples can also book a hotel room. There are some specific hotels which don’t allow check-in with a local id proof but most of these are accepting now. Before booking a hotel, you may check on our website if someone can book hotel with a local I’d proof or not. But most of the hotels allow check-in with a valid I’d proof.

Q. How can I Get Early Check-in or Late Check-out in a Hotel?

A. Early check-ins or late checkouts in hotels are subject to availability and customers have to ask about this directly from the hotels. If a hotel reception is accommodating, they can provide their guests both Early Check-in and Late Check-out or at least any of these. However, it also depends if rooms are available in the hotel or not. Usually, guests can enjoy free early check-in or late check-out of up to 2 hours.

Q. How can Unmarried Couples Book Hotels in India?

A. No law denies the stay of unmarried couples from booking and staying in a hotel. However, it solely depends on the hotel authority to allow the check-ins in such hotels. Choosing to stay together is a personal choice, which can’t be restricted. Unmarried couples should always try to book their hotels online for 2 persons by checking earlier if the hotel provides them entry or not. Here is a tip, unmarried couples or any couple shouldn’t indulge into activities that unnecessarily draw the attention of people. Generally, hotel reception checks the id proofs and then allows the guests to check-in without making any fuss about if they are unmarried or married.

Q. How can I Book Cheap Hotel Rooms in 5 Star Hotels?

A. There are several 5 star hotels in various cities that are available at cheaper rates. To book cheap hotel rooms in 5 start hotels, one of the most important things that you can do is to be flexible about your dates. If you are not planning to travel during weekends, stay can be booked at very cheaper rates. One more tip is to book hotels in off season. By booking a hotel room at location where there is lesser crowd during a particular weather, customers can get really cheap deals. Suppose if you are only looking for a staycation or willing to stay in 5 star hotels, then you can choose to visit cities like Jaipur, Agra or any tourist place in Northern India during summers. Booking hotels at hill stations during rainy season can be also an opportunity to get rooms at the cheaper rates.