
Kochi To Amritsar Flights

  • One-Way
  • Round-Trip
  • Multi-City


Indira Gandhi International Airport


Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport




Return Date

Book a round trip
to save more



1 Traveller(s)



April is by far the best month, wherein you can get cheapest flights for Kochi to Amritsar. Meanwhile, August is perceived as the expensive month due to the varying factors. That’s why it’s highly advised to make advanced online flight booking to save huge amounts of money.

Cheapest Flights from Kochi to Amritsar June 2024
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Jun 23

Jun 24

Jun 25

Jun 26

Jun 27

Jun 28

Jun 29

Jul 07


Jul 08


Jul 09


Jul 10


Jul 11


Jul 12


Jul 13


Jul 14


Jul 15


Jul 16


Jul 17


Jul 18


Jul 19


Jul 20


Jul 21


Jul 22


Jul 23


Jul 24


Jul 25


Jul 26


Jul 27


Jul 28


Jul 29


Jul 30


Jul 31


NOTE-: Cheap airfare calendar of EaseMyTrip.com is meant to indicate the airfares (per person) between any of the two cities of India for a certain range of dates. Through this domestic airfare calendar, you can easily find out the cheapest fares among the listed dates. However, it is not essential that the fares displayed here is the final price for your air tickets. These may not be available at the time you try and book.

Popular Flights Routes

Cheapest Flights from Kochi to Amritsar Information

When it comes to the cheapest flights from Kochi (COK) to Amritsar (ATQ), then innumerable airways offer exceptional services on this preferred route at affordable prices. You can see all these domestic airlines in one go with EaseMyTrip. In just a few clicks, you can extensively go through all the premium and budget airline flights with ease and grab the cheapest flights from Kochi (COK) to Amritsar (ATQ). The current price from Kochi to Amritsar flight varies between ₹ 8832 to ₹ 10817 (per head). However, the price may fluctuate time after time as various internal and external factors like peak seasons, air traffic, demand and availability are involved. Additionally, the airfares might change depending on the flight cabin you have selected.

Nevertheless, with EaseMyTrip you can further unlock multiple exclusive special offers and amazing discounts on online flight bookings. With this assured benefit, we aim to ensure that your journey from Kochi to Amritsar is worth investing every single penny. Travellers like you can also enjoy effortless flight bookings with the assistance of our dynamic search engine and user-friendly interface. From here you can further collect the pivotal information regarding the flight number, departure status, arrival and schedules to remain updated. So, if you’re searching for the cheapest flights from Kochi (COK) to Amritsar (ATQ). Then don’t worry, you can easily book your dream flight now with EaseMyTrip and embark on a journey to remember forever.

All the Details About Kochi to Amritsar Flights

It can be really hectic to search for the cheapest flights from Kochi to Amritsar on various flight booking platforms. Therefore, to make your expedition more convenient and stress-free, EaseMyTrip took one step ahead. At present, we have already forged strategic collaborations with various top airlines, including Vistara, Akasa Air, Air India, IndiGo and many more. With this exclusive facility, we ensure that all your flights from Kochi (COK) to Amritsar (ATQ) are easier to book at inexpensive prices.

When it comes to the distance between Kochi to Amritsar , then the average distance would be approximately 1148 Kilometres. Thus, it’s highly recommended to select direct flight options. In case, if you’re looking for an affordable flight option, then you can also select indirect flights. Moreover, the flight duration for non-stop flights would be around 14:10 hrs. So, if you’ve planned to fly from Kochi (COK) to Amritsar (ATQ) at cheaper fares, then you must prefer making advanced flight bookings to eliminate last-minute hassles.

Flight Connectivity & Schedule Info

Since there are various cheapest flights available from Kochi to Amritsar due to multiple layovers. Therefore, you can book your cheapest flights from Kochi to Amritsar from several top cities, such as Bengaluru, Bagdogra, Chennai, Jaipur, Kolkata and Chandigarh. With this, you can enjoy great connectivity between the Kochi to Amritsar flights. In line with this, various non-stop flights are also there on the same route. So, you can reach the destination easily.

In addition to this, Cochin International Airport and Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport are the nearest airports in India. This will allow you to reach the destination with optimal comfort and convenience. Moreover, if you’re looking for the cheapest flights from Kochi to Amritsar, then you can further prefer booking round trips during the initial phase of pre-booking.

Why Make Kochi to Amritsar Flight Booking with EaseMyTrip

EaseMyTrip is one of the fastest-growing online flight booking platforms that’s designed to offer an unforgettable journey to tourists seeking the best experiences. With our platform, you can access special airfare discounts and deals on numerous flights and airlines. Even you get an amazing opportunity to select the first class, business class, premium economy and economy class cabin options as per your personal preferences and budget plans for the delightful journey.

Along with this, if you make the cheapest flights from Kochi (COK) to Amritsar (ATQ) with EaseMyTrip, then you are entitled to avail premium advantages also. Some of the standard benefits that you can unveil include round-the-clock assistance, customer-centric services, access to top airlines, lowest fares, best-discounted rates and optimum level of comfortability. With our platform, you can also check out flight scheduling and other flight modifications/cancellation-related policies. So are you ready to book your cheapest flights from Kochi to Amritsar? If yes, then book your desired flights today with none other than EaseMyTrip, your most trusted travel companion for happy journeys.

Q.Can I find cheap flights from Kochi to Amritsar?
Q.What’s the best time to buy airline tickets from Kochi to Amritsar at lowest fares?
Q.What’s the average flight duration from Kochi to Amritsar?
Q.How to book a flight ticket online for?
Q.On which day can I get the cheapest flights from Kochi and Amritsar?
Q.How many classes are available to fly from Kochi to Amritsar?
Q.Why book flights from Kochi to Amritsar with EaseMyTrip?
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