Travel Resolutions for 2021

Shivangi Singh blog post January 2, 2021

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Travel is one thing which we all missed badly in year 2020. Due to pandemic the foremost forbidden thing was ‘going out’. As the time has come when we have finally bid goodbye to 2020, a year loaded of canceled plans. We all have our hopes high for this amazing year and were eagerly waiting for it. Now, it’s time for us to set our all new travel resolutions for 2021. As the 2021 marks a beginning of new decade, we are all hoping for a better and more beautiful future filled with some excitement and lots of positivity. Every year we all make resolutions related to health, bad habits, future goals and many others to make ourselves promised to a better forthcoming days. Travel resolutions 2021 are going to help you compensate with all the fun and travel you missed last year. Unleash each and every day of this year with some thrill and relish your life.

Travel Every Month

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2020 was the year which painted traveling as a privilege we all were enjoying for years. It has taught us to not take our ability to travel around for granted. By the end of the year, we all were craving so badly to go out and spend some time in utmost alluring places around. Make this your first travel resolution for 2021 to travel every month and embrace it with some really unforgettable memories.

Load Your Plan with Adventure

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There is a thing about experiencing an adventurous activity, it sets you free from fear and foster a daring spirit in your personality. Your travel resolution for 2021 should be to experience an adventure activity. Imagine standing right at the cliff of a mountain, all geared up with ropes and safety and taking a deep dive from there. That pumped up feeling of experiencing something so adventurous can never be matched with any other. Choose a perfect adventure activity for your next ravel plan and make sure you enjoy it to the core.

Unplanned Trip

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The real joy of a trip can be experienced through an unplanned trip. It is the best way to travel a place and understand its realistic view as a localite. Set yourself up for an unplanned trip this year and enjoy the whimsical tint of traveling. Sometimes planning for a trip gets eventually a bit tiring. So, it’s always better to take an unpredictable journey and enjoy whatever comes to your way.

 Travel Your Own City

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It is one of the most unpopular notions in terms of traveling amongst those who love to explore places. Make this as your new travel resolution for 2021 to become tourist for a day in your own city. The city in which we have lived for like eternity always awaits you to find those hidden gems and explore every bit of it. Take out time from your 9 to 5 busy routine and enjoy your city like a tourist. Go to best places to visit in your city and explore every realms of your own city.

Choose Local Tourism

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With a jibe on travel industry through this pandemic, a boost is the need of the hour for the ones associated with tourism industry. Whenever you are planning your travel in 2021, make sure you support what you have locally. Choose the places to visit which can help the local tourism and boost it economically. It should be on our list of travel resolution to support our locals in the times pandemic and help them grow again.

Live in the moment

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We understand that 2020 put a break on our travel plans last year, but give time to this upcoming year. Take your time and enjoy every bit of your trip by living in the moment. It feels good to strike things off the bucket list but it feels nicer to experience each and every place to the core. Try to memorize each view and scenery around you for lifetime. Put your lens away and on rest for sometimes and try to actually relish the place. We mostly waste our time capturing moments virtually and forgets to actually experience it. For your travel resolutions of 2021, make sure you enjoy every bit of your travel.

Try Local Cuisines

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If you wish to understand a place better, try their food. It is the best way to relish a city through the cuisine served on your plate. For your travel resolutions 2021 list, make sure you try the local food of the place you are going to. People are very closely connected to their food they eat. It gives you a glimpse of their cultural values and gives you a hint of their belief and on what the city prospers. For a person who is foodie as well as a traveler, this travel resolution is like a bonus point.

Go Solo

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Nothing can free your soul like the way solo traveling does. For once in a lifetime if not more than that, one should set himself on for a solo traveling. There are plenty of places to go on solo traveling in India from which you can choose your next destination to. Get independent about your choices, plan for you trip, pack your bags and follow the path to your freedom. Even in these times it is safer to be distanced from the rest of the crowd. So now you have a better reason to go on solo traveling.

To make sure you tick off each of your travel resolutions for 2021, book your travel with EaseMyTrip and get the best travel deals for your plan.


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