10 revolutionary sensors for smart and sustainable beaches in recent times

EaseMyTrip May 31, 2021

Today, the applications meant for smart cities are not limited to the city areas anymore. They are being used to create what has come to be known as smart beaches. Beachside cities across the whole world are trying to use the latest technologies to build more safe and sustainable beaches. Smart beaches are not only great for attracting more tourists but also in ensuring superior safety for all the visitors and residents as well. These sensors can collect and analyze data to give the tourist a better travel experience. The Internet of Things (IoT) technology is also helping the tourism industry with a competitive advantage. This article by EaseMyTrip is about 10 such smart technologies:

  • Substrate sensors: 

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The substrate moisture sensors are used to measure the water content, electrical conductivity and temperature of the soil. Using the real-time data from these sensors, one can determine the quality of the sand on the beaches. Beaches are not only for vacations; they have more importance in human lives. They save the coastal regions from strong waves. Beaches are also the habitats of a wide range of flora and fauna which are important for the coastal ecosystem. The data about the beach sand from the substrate sensors can help the authorities to manage a healthy and sustainable beach.

  • Surveillance drones: 

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In the peak tourist seasons, most of the beaches around the world become overcrowded. Such a high amount of visitors makes it difficult for the lifeguards to keep an eye on everyone. This is where surveillance drones can be handy. They can watch over the bathers easily and help in ensuring bather protection. The drones can investigate the presence of any sharks or dangerous jellyfish and can alert the lifeguards.

  • Coastal bathymetry: 

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Bathymetry is a way to know the topography of the ocean. It helps to detect the shape and depth of the underwater terrain. Monitoring the topographical data may help with coastal management. Bathymetry information helps in understanding how the climate is changing in the coastal regions. This information can also be helpful in things like flood detection. It can be a way to gather the required data to maintain a healthy beach and near the shore area.

  • Smart buoys: 

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Buoys are generally used as floating navigation tools but now they are being designed to play a more important ecological function. These technologically advanced new age buoys are designed to examine the quality of water around them. They can determine the clarity and temperature of the water. At the same time, they use substance detection and statistical models to be able to determine if there is a higher level of any harmful substance in the water. The smart buoys are equipped to test the water for the level of bacteria. They send the data to the server. The beach officials, with this data, can decide whether the beach is safe for the beach-goers or not.

  • UVA sensors: 

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A high amount of solar UV radiation can bring many health hazards to human beings including skin cancer. In the summers, when every beach is crowded, it is very easy for one to get exposed to higher levels of UV radiation. The UVA sensors in the smart beaches can measure the level of radiation efficiently. They can collect and transfer the data to the authorities. Using this information, the beach authority can update their manual on what measures should be taken by the visitors to protect them from sunlight.

  • Shower: 

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With passing time, the need to save water is growing. By minimizing water wastage, we can contribute towards a healthy environment. However, beaches can result in unnecessary water wastage. In the USA, a lot of beaches are using showers with sensors to control water consumption and to minimize water wastage. These showers also have timers and self-diagnosis sensors which make them easy to maintain for the authorities.

  • Smart parking: 

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Smart parking systems use in-ground smart parking sensors, cameras and counting sensors to provide a seamless parking experience. These devices are used to determine if the parking bays are free or occupied. They collect real-time data and transfer it to the smart parking mobile apps. Smart beaches can use this technology to help their visitors find a parking place effortlessly. Especially, in the peak seasons, such devices can be very helpful in managing the parking places. 

  • Water supply: 

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Sensors can be used in the water supply systems to detect any kind of leakage or damage. The data from these sensors can help the beach authorities to manage their water supply system through proper maintenance. Such sensors can also control the consumption of water beaches leading to less water wastage. 

  • Wi-Fi: 

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During the holidays, people tend to use the internet more than on other days. However, most people do not have access to their data due to connectivity issues. To deal with such cases, smart beaches should install a wi-fi system to give the beach-goers access to the internet directly. On the other hand, a wi-fi system can help the beach officials with people counting or understanding the occupancy density. 

  • Smart traffic lights: 

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Beaches can use this cutting-edge technology to control vehicle and pedestrian traffic. This updated traffic signal system can help manage the traffic while avoiding any hazards. They can also be used to ensure pedestrian safety.

Beaches around the world have started to use smart city applications not only to attract visitors but also to create healthy and environment-friendly beaches. Using the new age technologies, the beach authorities are providing a memorable experience to beach lovers and taking care of the coastal regions at the same time. If you want to enjoy your holiday sunbathing on a beach, you should check the flight tickets at EaseMyTrip website where you will also find huge holiday packages to choose from. 

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