Interesting Facts about Eiffel Tower

Apoorva Shukla April 17, 2024

Eiffel Tower is one of the remarkable structures in Paris and is a well known tourist attraction. People from all over the world visit Paris in large numbers to witness the charm of this structure. This architectural beauty holds interesting facts which makes it even more attention-grabbing. Below is the list of interesting facts about Eiffel Tower which will give you a little shock.

Eiffel Tower is not designed by Gustave Eiffel

Yes, you read it right! Eiffel Tower was actually designed by Emile Nouguier and Maurice Koechlin who were the two seniors in Gustave Eiffel’s company. However, Gustave put in the most of investment and later he bought the right to patent.

Someone married the Eiffel Tower

An American named Erika Aya or you can say Erika Eiffel (as she married Eiffel Tower) actually married the Eiffel Tower in a commitment ceremony in the year 2007. This girl is said to have a condition in which humans develop a significant relationships with inanimate objects called as paraphilia.

Eiffel Tower also has an ice rink

The ice rink in Eiffel Tower is opened in last year only and it is functional only in the peak winters that too from December to February. Moreover, it is built 200 feet above the ground so that it offers marvelous views of Paris.

Eiffel Tower is the most visited paid attraction in Paris

This stunning attraction is witnessed by approx 6 million visitors each year and that’s what makes it the most visited paid monument. So, what are you waiting for? You too explore its charm by planning Paris trip soon.

Painting of Eiffel Tower is done by hand

Yes, the structure is painted by hands till date and no mechanical painting is allowed.  Since the structure is constructed it has been repainted almost 18 times and traditional methods are strictly followed which means painting through old school method with a bucket of paint and a paint brush.

Eiffel Tower which is one of the seven wonders of the world was meant to be temporary

Earlier Eiffel Tower was supposed to be a temporary installation for the World Fair 1889 which held at Paris to commemorate 100 years of French Revolution. However, the structure was never taken down and an antenna was built at the top of tower to conduct the wireless signals used to beam radio and TV broadcasts.

The structure has a Bollywood connect

Maurice Koechlin; one of the main engineer who was involved in the construction of Eiffel Tower was related to Andre Koechlin, great grandfather of Kalki Koechlin. Kalki is a well known Bollywood actress.

To capture the night view of Eiffel Tower is technically illegal

The light display of Eiffel Tower is ideally art work and therefore it is copyrighted as per the government and hence you could be fined for taking a picture of Eiffel Tower in the night and sharing it on Facebook.

Initially the structure was not liked by few people

This marvelous piece of art was initially hated by many eminent intellectuals including the famous French author Guy de Maupassant who protested against it and he also referred Eiffel Tower as “gigantic black smokestack” which according to him would ruin the beauty of Paris.  

Hitler ordered to demolish this lovely structure but failed

In the year 1994, Hilter was about to lose Pars to the Allied Forces and hence at that time he ordered to demolish the whole city including Eiffel Tower but the military government did not followed the command.

Eiffel Tower was supposed to be built in Spain

True that! Eiffel Tower was originally designed to be built in Barcelona in Spain but the plan was rejected eventually.

Replicas around the world

There are around 30 replicas of Eiffel Tower around the globe.



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